Monday, August 12, 2013

Tweet Talks About New Music and Joining ‘R&B Divas’
Southern song bird Tweet has never been a consistent artist and thus has been missing from the game for a while now. But she’s decided to bring her music back to the radio with a brand new dose of honey dripping love.

In an interview with Singersroom, she chatted about “Southern Hummingbird” and her latest EP, “Simply Tweet.”

Singersroom: You’ve said you’re in a different place than when you recorded Southern Hummingbird. How so?
Tweet: Spiritually, I’m in a different place and of course I’m older now. Southern Hummingbird, I was basically free to do whatever I wanted to do, but I was still a little timid coming out of being in a group. Very insecure, and didn’t even wanna be a solo artist so that’s the difference. But now I know what I wanna do, I know I’m a solo artist, I write and all that stuff, so I’m in a different place that way as well.

Singersroom: Has time redefined you or are you going to give us classic Tweet?
Tweet: I can’t stray from who I am, I can’t compromise my sound. I think more so now I’m tuned into really who I am. Southern Hummingbird was just the tip of the iceberg for me. Again, like I said, I was very timid and very insecure, but now I’m secure in knowing who I am as an artist, as a woman, so you’ll see that on this album. So it’s still classic Tweet, but I’m singing a little more on this, very confident in my vocal skills.

Singersroom: Would you be interested in joining the cast of R&B Divas?
Tweet: I was actually supposed to be on the first show [season], and unfortunately, I decided to focus on my music because I didn’t really wanna be on a show really not doing anything, and I’m still open to doing something like that.

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