Friday, August 23, 2013

Jennifer Lopez Alleged Stalker Vacationed In Her Hamptons Mansion
Someone's been sleeping in Jennifer Lopez's pool house, and it ain't Goldilocks -- cops arrested an alleged stalker who somehow managed to live in the pool house of her massive Hamptons mansion ... for several days ...  without getting noticed.

According to Southampton police, 49-year-old John M. Dubis basically moved in to J.Lo's $10 million pad sometime in early August.

He reportedly walked around the estate freely, hanging out openly in view of neighbors... and even posted Facebook photos of himself all over the grounds, such as the one below -- before police finally busted him on Aug. 8.
And how's this for weird ... two days before his arrest, Dubis dropped by a nearby menswear store and purchased a plaid overcoat.

Jennifer was not home, but the shocking part is security guards were patrolling the property.

Of course, you have to remember the 8,500 sq. foot home sits on 3 acres -- and it's a decent hike out to the pool house from the main quarters.
RELATED: Source: Jennifer Lopez deal with 'American Idol' imminent

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