Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Beyonce Booed At V Festival After Arriving 20 Minutes Late

Beyonce was allegedly met with a chorus of boos when she took to the V Festival stage 20 minutes late Saturday night in England. 

According to WENN, Queen Bey was jeered after keeping thousands of concertgoers waiting in the pouring rain and wind at Hylands Park in Chelmsford. Beyonce was then booed when she finally arrived, before kicking off her headlining set with "Run the World (Girls)."

Being late wasn't Beyonce's only issue. "The sound was so terrible people were just walking away halfway through her set," one attendee told U.K.'s Metro. 

WENN reported the superstar gave a shout-out to those in the crowd who remained patient, saying, "Thank you all so much for waiting in the rain ... Now let's have some fun in the rain. It feels good doesn't it."

The delayed arrival wasn't the only disappointment the "Bow Down" singer delivered to fans. Those watching at home were unable to view any of Beyonce's V Fest performance on television because she allegedly didn't give Channel 4 broadcasting rights, according to NME. Viewers expected to see highlights from her show, but hosts Edith Bowman and Steve Jones hinted that the 31-year-old refused to give them clearance. 

Despite the minor snafus, Beyonce still delivered a riveting performance, according to one critic. 

"She has an innate talent with a crowd, an almost tribal ability to lead," wrote The Independent's India Ross. "Her every turn, glance and flash of teeth only add to an aura of cool feminine domination. She is musically lukewarm, but theatrically unique."

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