Sunday, February 15, 2015

5 Questions: Blanche Eden

One listen to Blanche Eden's (formally Jennifer Michelle) new EP "Beautiful Again" will have you blown away by her powerful, sultry tones and appreciation for love (hence the choice to release her latest venture yesterday on Valentines Day). With tracks like “Give It To Me″ and “Only Words” aptly demonstrating the singer's endearing and seductive sound, the Brooklyn, NY native, who has been performing on stage since she was 8, is catching fire with fans of R&B’s more eclectic musings. Along with being known for her strong voice and appreciation of different music genres, the R&B singer is a professional photographer. StrictlyR& spoke with the multi-talented artist on the inspiration behind her music, her new EP and future career plans.

STRICTLYR& How did you get into music?
BLANCHE EDEN: I have always had a serious love for music, both of my parents loved music and were ALWAYS playing music in the house growing up. I always had a special connection with RnB music in particular, and always enjoyed the lyrics and melodies more than anything else. I didn't and still don't play instruments, but have always wanted to take lessons. Growing up, my mom enrolled me in ballet school, it was her dream for me I guess, but I wasn't as crazy about it. I did not pursue it far into my teens and adulthood. In high school I was athletic, making the cheerleading squad for 2 years and the Drama Club as well. ln my junior and senior years of H.S. I co-starred in my first H.S. musical 'Guys and Dolls' and starred in H.S. musical 'Grease'. Those were the first times I sang in front of others, I was nervous as hell, but I still wanted to keep singing! I knew that I loved entertaining others and seeing the expressions on their faces, those are priceless to me. The musicals were just the beginning of my musical journey. I soon pursued college and my studies were a priority at the time, hindering my further exposure to performing musically, but not for long.

STRICTLYR& How did growing up in Brooklyn effect your musical tastes and style?

BLANCHE EDEN: Oh Brooklyn! I am so proud to be born and raised there. I was exposed to so much culture, variety of people and lifestyles. So many great and successful artists are from Brooklyn. It was challenging, but exciting growing up in such a diverse borough, seeing, hearing, and doing so much so early in life. Fortunately different cultures listen to different music and my exposure to Reggae, Soca, etc. was born. Many, if not all of my close friends are from the West Indies, this exposure just infused my love for music more. I don't say it enough, but Reggae music has had a huge impact on my musical style and writing.

STRICTLYR& Talk about your latest EP, “Beautiful Again”.
I am very much in love with it! I know others will be too. It is my 2nd EP and more intense and mature than the first. It couldn't have come at a better time in my life and hopefully others' lives. It covers a lot in 7 songs, but that's how I like to deliver. I like to mix it up and sing about everything. People who have been following my music can see that! This EP is special and I truly believe it will impact my fans more than any of my other songs in the past.

STRICTLYR& I know you have the “Beautiful Again” album available for preview on your Web site, How has social media impacted your solo career?
I have actually made the entire 'Beautiful Again' EP available for free download as of the release date 2.14.15, along with my other music. Social media has had a huge impact on my solo career, as well as other indie artists. It enhances my 'Independent' title, allowing me to contact my fans directly whether it be via Tweet or email. It allows me to see what my fans like and what they want more of from me. Even label artists are using Sound Cloud to their advantage. It is helping me reach milestones I could not reach before. Without social media there would be no 'Independent' artist in this day and age.
STRICTLYR& I like your cover of Rihanna’s “Diamonds”, what made you choose to do a cover of that song?
BLANCHE EDEN: Thank you! I enjoyed that entire Rihanna album very much, 'Diamonds' being one of my favorite tracks off of it! I am a Rihanna fan too. I still remember how I felt when I first heard that one song, and that was special to me. Not so much the song, but the feelings it gave me. I wanted to experience that feeling again, so what better way than to cover it? I was able to feel that feeling of freedom and aloofness I felt when I first heard it. When you hear a song over and over that feeling slowly fades, but recording it brought it back.

STRICTLYR& What do you want people to get from the album and what are your future plans?
I want people to feel--feel happy, sad, sexy, pretty, angry, even challenged. I experience all of the above when I am making the music so I would only expect those reactions form others, anything else is a plus. Music is supposed to change you and take you away to places in your mind and your life you have never been before. Even if its just for a little while, but I'd prefer a lifetime! My plans? Well to make more music, collaborate with other artists, and build my fan base by performing, doing interviews and music videos.

Photo provided by Blanche Eden.

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