Saturday, August 10, 2013

Usher Wins In Court: Judge Denies Tameka Foster Raymond’s Emergency Custody Request
A Georgia judge Friday dismissed an emergency motion filed by the ex-wife of music mogul Usher Raymond seeking temporary custody of their son.

The judge ruled that even though the 5-year-old child was injured in a swimming pool accident this week, it was not an emergency or crisis situation requiring that Usher's two children be taken from him.

The child, Usher Raymond V, remains hospitalized but is doing "much better," his mother posted on Twitter.
"What happened here was an awful accident and... I'm not certain that had any single person been at the poolside that one person could have done any better than Ms. Oden. And Ms. Oden did impress me as a capable caregiver," Fulton County Superior Court Judge John Goger said, referring to the boy's aunt, Rena Oden, who was caring for the child at the time of the accident.

"Based on the evidence I heard, not one person could have done any better than Ms. Oden," the judge added.

The judge then addressed Usher's ex-wife, Tameka Foster Raymond: "Your standards for caregivers are rather high," Goger said, pointing out that most people have been watched by a grandmother or aunt.

The judge instructed Usher to keep his ex-wife informed about his whereabouts and who's taking care of their two children.

At Friday's emergency custody hearing in Atlanta, Usher, as he is known in his career as a singer and actor, testified that he waited an hour to inform his ex-wife that their son had nearly drowned in a swimming pool accident because "the first thing to do was to respond to the emergency... My son was hysterical and in the back of an ambulance."

His ex-wife testified earlier that she does not trust the childcare of Raymond's aunt who was present when their son fell into the pool.

Foster Raymond also said Usher does not keep her informed about who is taking of their children or the doings in the children's lives.

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